BackaBuddy Fundraiser to get 6 development surfers to Nationals this month

We have EXCITING news! 6 of our surfers; Thando, Emile, Diego, Raemondo, Tina and Cwenga competed in the Western Cape Para Surf Championships and WON an entry to compete at the South African Para Surfing Championships in Durban on 19-22 May 2022.

We need your help in getting them to the Para Surfing Champs so we've set up a backabuddy fund to help raise funds to help make this a reality. Any donations are welcome! Please share and spread the word,
#backabuddy #parasurfchamps #parasurfing #donations #surftherapy

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See the gallery for images from the Western Cape Para Surf Championships whihc earned them a spot at the Nationals....

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