What it means to be a volunteer


Welcome to all volunteers, new and seasoned.

Our primary purpose is to be part of building an inclusive community who actively support people with disabilities everyday, both in and out of the ocean.
Each action taken, donation made, and message spread in the community forms part of the ripple effect that makes this possible:







Throughout the progression of roles in volunteering, training sessions are offered to equip you with the skills and knowledge to perform. We are still growing in knowledge, and see the future as having endless possibilities for Surf Therapy and Para Surfing.

Scroll down or click here to sign up for training and adaptive surfing events.





The vision for the future

What was the highlight of the session for you?

Surfer: Doing something that I never thought was possible for someone with a disability.

In some circles the colour purple has been associated with disability. We have a vision of a near future, where it will be possible for a surfer with disability to arrive at the beach wearing a purple rash vest to show that they need help, and organically from the community, fellow beach and ocean lovers will have what they need to offer a hand. This is all possible from volunteering and sharing knowledge within an inclusive community.

Join today and grow the next generation.


Where and when you can volunteer to contribute to this future


Para surfing, adaptive surfing and fundraising events, are available on the web calendar throughout the year; encourage friends and families to join in, together we can eliminate the waiting list.